Singular Presents Live Day 2 小沼ようすけ SOLO

金沢ジャズストリート2023 ジャズライブハウスAsileアジール出演  ギタリスト 小沼ようすけ Yosuke Onuma / Guitars

Yosuke Onuma / Guitars

Official Web

秋田県出身、14 歳でギターを始める。
2001年にSONY MUSICよりデビュー、10 年間在籍。現在までにSONY他から10 枚のリー ダー作品をリリース。 
2004年、リチャード・ボナ (ba)、アリ・ホニッグ(dr)をフィーチャーし たトリオアルバム “Three Primary Colors”を Ny で録音。

2010年、フレンチカリビアンのミュージシャン達とレコーディ ングした「Jam Ka」発売。 グアドループの民族音楽グオッカの太鼓(ka)がフィーチャーさ れたこの作品で独自の世界観を展開。
2016 年、Flyway LABEL を設立。 第一弾作品としてパリで録音された「Jam Ka」の続編、 「Jam Ka Deux」をリリース。この作品をきっかけにParisやMunich のジャズクラブ、 Martinique Jazz festivalに出演。
2019年 、Jam Ka Deux(17年)ツアー直後のスタジオセッション を収録したアルバム”Jam Ka 2.5″をリリース。グォッカの本拠地Guadeloupeで行われた “Festival Eritaj”に出演。 ジャズをベースに様々な国を旅して得た影響、経験を音楽に採 り入れながら、世界を音で繋ぐ創作活動を続けるギタリスト。
エレキギターの他にアコースティックギターも使用 する。 
初のソロギター作品『Your Smile』を2023年秋にリリース予定。

Born in Akita Prefecture, he picked up the guitar at the age of 14. He made his debut with SONY MUSIC in 2001 and stayed with them for a decade, releasing ten albums through them and other labels. In 2004, he ventured to New York to record the trio album “Three Primary Colors,” featuring the talents of Richard Bona (bass) and Ari Hoenig (drums).

He explored new musical horizons in 2010 with the release of “Jam Ka,” an album created in collaboration with French Caribbean musicians. The work highlighted the drums (ka) of Guadeloupe’s folk music Gwo ka, encapsulating his unique worldview. He established the Flyway LABEL in 2016 and subsequently released “Jam Ka Deux,” a sequel to “Jam Ka,” recorded in Paris. This album led to performances in jazz clubs in Paris and Munich, as well as the Martinique Jazz Festival.

In 2019, he released “Jam Ka 2.5,” an album capturing studio sessions held immediately after the Jam Ka Deux (2017) tour. He also had the opportunity to perform at the “Festival Eritaj” in Guadeloupe, the home of Gwo ka. This guitarist continues to craft music that connects the world, drawing from influences and experiences gained from traveling to various countries, all grounded in his jazz roots. Besides his proficiency in the electric guitar, he also skillfully plays the acoustic guitar.

His first solo guitar work, “Your Smile,” is slated for release in the fall of 2023.

9/17 (日) 
Singular Presents Live / Day 2
1st:演奏&トーク 「DIALOGUE ASILE GABBING」vol.2
一般前売3,500円 当日4,000円



Artists and guests with close connections convene to offer a special one-night-only experience, where conversation and music intersect. What does music signify to musicians? The individuals who have influenced them, the songs and instruments that have left an imprint on them, and the journey they have traversed so far – how are all these elements reflected in their musical expressions? At Asile, the new hub for music in Kanazawa, we share a time of profound exploration of these themes with you.

金沢ジャズストリート2023 ジャズライブハウスAsileアジールのスポンサー Singularのロゴ